Positioning sustainable development models for cooperatives.

02:50 - 04/12/2015

On11 th April, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the Central Economics Committee, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Viet Nam Famers’ Union and Viet Nam Cooperative Alliance organized seminar “ How to build new types of cooperatives...

Enriched from farming

02:47 - 20/11/2015

Thanks to the wide hilly area, in recent years, the Farmers Union of Lang Son Commune (Ha Hoa, Phu Tho) has boosted emulation movements in production and business. Since then there have been many models with high economic efficiency, in...

Farmer got success thanks to agricultural techniques.

03:25 - 02/10/2015

Farmer in Lam Dong receive free training in agriculture to help boost their crop yields and quality of coffee beans. The total is about 1,500 coffee farmers in Viet Nam''s Central Highland of the province are trained.

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